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Plakāts par Eiropas Sociālā fonda un Jaunatnes nodarbinātības iniciatīvas novērtējuma anketu

We invite you to participate in the public consultation on the projects of the Youth Employment Initiative

Ministry of Finance

From mid-December to January 9th, 2024, we invite you to take part in the public consultation on the Youth Employment Initiative projects!

If you have implemented, been involved or interested in, supported or seen a European Social Fund (ESF) or Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) project for the 2014-2020 programming period, we invite you to share your feedback. Your views will help to improve the design and implementation of future EU Fund projects.

The evaluation initiative aims to explore and obtain views on the effectiveness, efficiency and relevance of ESF and YEI activities and their coherence with other EU funds (including cross-sectoral evaluations for all ESF investment priorities). The feedback provided will help to provide an overview of the ESF and YEI, including funding support from CARE, REACT-EU, CRII and CRII+.

To participate in the evaluation, you will need to register on the European Commission's website using one of your existing social network profiles.

Share your views and experiences by filling in the questionnaire here questionnaire here by 9 January 2024.

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