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The passenger platform modernisation project is being implemented

The passenger platform modernisation project is being implemented

Ministry of Transport

On 15 December, three newly built stops were opened for passengers - "Dauderi" on the Skulte railway line, "Šmerlis" on the Sigulda railway line and "Medemciems" on the Jelgava railway line. Thus, 26 stations and stops with elevated platforms out of 48, are already provided, and it is planned to open four to five more by the end of the year.

On 16 December, a symbolic opening event took place at the newly built railway stop "Dauderi", where everyone had the opportunity to get acquainted with the passenger platforms, which are based on the unified universal design standard for passenger infrastructure developed by Latvian Railway, as well as to find out what amenities the opening of the new stops will bring to the residents of the local area.

Work is ongoing to complete the modernisation project by 2025, with the upgraded passenger platforms gradually being put into operation at 18 more stops included in the project.

All modernised passenger platforms are visually and functionally designed in accordance with the Latvian Railway Universal Design Standard for passenger infrastructure, which stipulates that all groups of society, regardless of the size of the stop or the number of passengers, are provided with an equally comfortable and pleasant experience.

The project "Modernisation and Development of Passenger Infrastructure" is co-financed by the EU Cohesion Fund.

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