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EU agricultural policy makers will continue discussing the reduction of red tape in CAP implementation

EU agricultural policy makers will continue discussing the reduction of red tape in CAP implementation

Ministry of Agriculture

On Monday, January 27th, a meeting of the European Union (EU) Agriculture and Fisheries Council (the Council) will take place in Brussels, where ministers and experts from member states will discuss the necessary changes in the implementation of the current Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plans (CAP SP). 

The new CAP SP implementation model is fragmented and focuses more on technical requirements rather than results. It is bureaucratic and imposes an excessive administrative burden on farmers and member states. Already in September 2024 Latvia raised this issue for consideration in the Council and it was unanimously supported by other EU member states. The Council will also discuss the implementation of the Green Deal to achieve a balance between environmental and climate goals and competitive agricultural production.

The Council, based on the information provided by the European Commission (EC), will also address several issues related to the external trade of agricultural goods. A discussion is planned regarding the EC's proposal on cross-border enforcement against unfair trading practices affecting two or more member states.  Additionally, member states will discuss EC-proposed changes to the regulation aimed at strengthening farmers' postition in the agri-food supply chain. Latvia believes that any changes in the food supply chain must provide genuine benefits to the producers and ensure a reduction in administrative burdens. The regulation of written contracts should also remain within the competence of individual member states.

At the Council meeting, Poland, which assumed the EU Council presidency on January 1st, will present its agenda for agriculture, forestry, and fisheries for the first half of 2025 to the member states.

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